Monday, September 28, 2009

One Down, Five to Go!

Today was my first chemo cycle. Once again, God sustained me and more! The peace and calm I had all day, even leading up to the entering the treatment room and all of the prep stuff, was nothing short of amazing. I had no negative effects to any of the drugs as they were being administered, that is very good news. I spent the day thanking God for all that He has done in this process and for all of you who He has graciously and mercifully surrounded me with. Mason and I truly have a profound understanding of the 'body of Christ' and the incredible blessing and gift that it is. I confess that I am really tired right now. Mason and I went for a walk tonight before dinner. I was fine, but I am ready for bed at a very early hour! I have a lot of anti-nausea medicine in my system so I suspect that is what it is. Again, I cannot express how much all of you and your prayers and encouragement mean to all of the Vincent family, Jillian even had great news today in the form of a praise! I have always loved that God is relational and chooses to operate through His people in such profound ways. Thank you all for your willing and loving service, and for your utter dependence on our awesome God that keeps all of us on our knees. As always, I rest in the comfort that He is my exceedingly great reward.


  1. Vicki, I was so glad to read you had a good first treatment. You were definitely in my prayers all day. One of the first things Kyle asked me when he got home at dinner time was if I had heard how your day had gone. He said he had been praying for you all day too! It's so amazing to see God lifting you up thru so many people! Hang in there! HUGS

  2. We are so relieved that your treatment went well. We are still praying that the side effects will be minimal. I was checking your blog all evening (like you would write on it the minute you got home)! May God continue to uphold you and yours. Blessings.

  3. Vicki, Katie told me that you had started a blog. What a great idea! I've hesitated to call, because I know that you have started your treatment. So I am grateful for a way to hear from you, as well as, let you know that I am thinking about you. Dean & I have been continuing to pray for God's grace and mercy to be on you, as well as his healing touch. I am so glad that your first treatment is behind you - like you said "One down". Love & Prayer, Leigh

  4. Vicki,
    Praise God everything went so well yesterday. I pray you were feeling ok today and that no side effects have surfaced. God is doing amazing things through you and your family right now and many are witnessing your testimony of faith. As you said, this is a marathon, not a sprint, and I will say again that there are throngs in the cheering section that are there for you any step of this course that you can call on. Let us know specifically how we can pray for you, your children, and Mason. Much love and prayer,

  5. Hey Vicki,
    Our thoughts and prayers are with are on my mind alot. Hang in there and know we love you dearly...wish I were there...I would give you a big hug!! Give everyone our are special :)
