Sunday, September 20, 2009


We are on our way home from dropping Alex off at Ohio State. What a sweet and beautiful daughter we have! Thank you all for your prayers, she was as excited and joyful as she should have been on this important launch. I could not have hand picked a better roommate, Annie is beautiful and kind, I know they will have a great year and become solid friends. God is being so gracious in His care and protection of our children as He expresses His love for them through all of you, His willing servants. Thank you all. A friend sent me this; Psalm 34:18 ""The Lord is near to the broken-hearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit." It has been pointed out to me that though I feel far from God, he has allowed me to feel His love through all of you and that as much as you all love me, God loves me even more. Bless all of you for how you have surrounded the Vincent family. I had a very special time with my family and Mason's parents. It was a nice distraction from the "c" word, another gift from guys are the best! As I face tomorrow I feel anxiety returning. I have a test on my heart at 9:00 a.m., in case you haven't been keeping track, EVERY test has been dire in the results. Mason says we can't keep strking out! I confess to fear, so please pray, BEG, for good results and a strong heart that can withstand the chemotherapy my onconologist has prescribed! Thank you, Father, for putting Mason in my life and for equipping him so well in this journey. Thank you, Father, for Jillian, Mason Thomas, Alexandria, and Madison. They are gifts to me and strong servants to you, you are Amazing God. Thank you, Father, that you are my exceedingly great reward


  1. I'm glad it was a good trip for you and family and am so glad for Alex. We are praying for God to send some great christian friends for her and a great church! We will be praying for you tomorrow. We Love you! Prayers and Kisses!

  2. I'll be praying for you tomorrow, Vicki. So glad your trip went well--we were thinking of y'all this weekend as you were on the road!

  3. Hi Vicki,
    You are on my heart and mind, and Jim's, too!
    I pray for you, Mason, the kids, often throughout the day as the Lord leads me. I hope you all had a great time with Alex. What a blessing for you all to go with her.
    I will not stop praying for you. I sure will miss you at bible study this week. It's not the same without you!! A life verse for me that I pass on to you is Isaiah 54:10. How funny that it's in Isaiah. =)
    Much love to you! Jen

  4. Vicki,
    I am praying this morning for you and that you will feel God holding your hand during the test.I am so glad you all had such a wonderful trip. What a blessing. With this week ahead, I keep thinking for you that scripture tells us no matter what happens to our earthly bodies in sickness or age, inwardly and everyday we are being renewed in His Spirit. I love that verse (can't remember where it is but will find it!) for those mornings I see all of my wrinkles and imperfections! I pray your day is peaceful.

  5. Vicki, I was praying for you as I walked the dog, and the Lord brought to mind the words of an old gospel song from my childhood:
    "He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater; He sendeth more strength when the labors increase; to added affliction, He addeth His mercy; to multiplied sorrows, His multiplied peace. His love has no measure, His grace has no limit, His power has no boundary known unto men, for out of His infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth and giveth and giveth again!" Praying that God will give you everything you need as you walk through this dark valley. We love you guys!

  6. I prayed you all would have a good trip this weekend and get some time away from thinking about the "c" word. It sounds like you did! Continuing to pray for you and the family. May you see some of God's Grace each day in some small way. We miss you!
