Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It begins...

I am creating this blog at the encouragement of some of you to share my journey through breast cancer with all of the prayer warriors who are sustaining Mason and I and our wonderful children through this trial. This is kind of a catch up, as the journey started a couple of weeks ago. I will keep you updated on current events and fill in as I can with our fears and experiences from the beginning of this journey. The phone call that says, "Mrs. Vincent, this is Charlotte Radiology, and there are a few concerns on your mammogram so we need to schedule an appointment for a follow up and an ultrasound.", is what so many of us dread, and why so many of us put off that annual mammogram...not to mention the sheer humility of the whole process. I want to make it clear that I began this journey as a very unwilling participant. I have this very irrational fear of cancer, there are many reasons for this, but Mason and I have always joked that if I ever got cancer he would have his work cut out for him because I would be a mess. Well, he did, because I was a mess from that first phone call. But God is good and He has guided Mason and comforted me in such a powerful way that we have been left in awe of Him. I have an appointment tomorrow with the surgeon and will let you know what comes of that. Until then, Mason and I would like to remind you, as we have been so powerfully reminded, He is our exceedingly great reward!


  1. I know you are overwhelmed right now and I just want to send lots of God's love and comfort to you right now.

  2. Ok the first thing I noticed is the post time 2:15 am...Hang in there Vicki, I know you will be a star patient and you will do just fine. Remember we are here for you ANYTIME including 2:15am...just call! I love you. I am keeping you and your wonderful family in my prayers. Love Kim

  3. Vicki If there is anything I can do, please contact me anytime. If there is something medical that you don't understand and you need translation, let me try to help.
    Jim Huhta
    huhfam@aol.com 727-434-4492
