Thursday, October 1, 2009

Answered Prayer!

Yesterday I thought I would title this entry "Prayer for Pain", I had a shot that is supposed to increase my white blood cells and one of the side effects (and signs of it working) is bone aches. So I prayed all day yesterday that I would feel the fruit of this medicine that is supposed to help me. It was such a full day, in a very good way, that I did not get to post. I did, however, wake up in the night to bone pain, thus the name change! My praises have become for funny things these days! Yesterday was such a nice day, I got to go to Bible Study, always a blessing, then Mason and Madi and I went to try on wigs. The two of them made it so fun that the emotional side of all of that was almost completely forgotten! My lovely husband learned that God knew what He was doing and that I should not be a long haired blonde! I had a very special and uplifting walk with a very special friend, and we had our life group last night. Our life group is college kids that fill me each week with joy and blessing that I cannot describe! What a privilege to be a part of their lives. My energy was very good yesterday and I continue to praise God for His protection and provision. Between the women's study in Isaiah and our life group study in Romans, I have pondered a lot on all that has been done for me through Christ on the cross. I am so blessed, beyond measure or words. Please continue to pray for my strength, courage, and healing. Pray that my body will stay strong so that I can continue my chemotherapy on schedule, and that this treatment will destroy the cancer. Please pray for Mason as he leaves today for Kansas City, that he will have peace and feel the presence of God as He is away. Please continue to pray for our wonderful children as they continue in their lives, that they will trust in their Heavenly Father as the perfect and merciful God that He is. Psalm 84:12 "Oh Lord of hosts, Blessed is the man who trusts in You!"

1 comment:

  1. O.K. I don't like that you have pain but since it is supposed to be good I will praise with you. Our prayer time Wednesday for you was such a blessing as well. Diane said afterwards, "I feel we are on Holy Ground!" That's exactly what it was like. For me, my mind never wandered - Vicki, my mind always wanders in extended prayer. There was no struggle to stay focused and I did not even realize it until afterwards. God is doing great and wonderful things for you my friend.
