Thursday, October 29, 2009

More Praises!

We had our appointment yesterday for my ten day blood labs. I say "we" because the two really do become one! Everything is perfect, to quote the nurse, my labs are "amazing". I love when God comforts me in such special and creative ways. If you remember when we were going after our first chemo session I asked you to pray that the Dr. would be 'amazed' at my progress and labs. We have not had one visit to that office that someone, a nurse or the doctor, did not use the word 'amazing'! God always meets me where I am and tenderly comforts me with some sort of assurance of His faithfulness. We do indeed serve an awesome God! Madi (and Reagan)and Mason and I are heading to Talladega for the weekend. We are meeting my sister and her husband there and I am really looking forward to it. We had lunch in Atlanta with some very special friends who reminded me that I can confidently ask for a miracle. Jesus, they reminded me, said that we have not because we ask not. I looked in my Bible for that familiar passage and in my search I found nine places where He promises that if we ask we will receive! That is just what I found on a quick little search in the New Testament! I will share with you this one that has touched me. Matthew 21:22 "And whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." So Mason and I are reminded to continue to faithfully ask and trust God for a miracle healing of my body, and we ask you all to continue to believe as you pray without ceasing for His healing. Please continue to pray for my strength as I go through this treatment, for Mason to remain my patient encourager. Also for him to receive encouragement as he is giving so much these days. Pray as always for our children, that they will continue to trust God with their fears and concerns and to be open with us through this journey. As always, we ask that God will be glorified in all of this. Today I am thankful for a Savior who loves me so much that He has surrounded me with an army. He always knows what I need, and He so often offers me His Word through you, His body who are obediently serving. Again, thank you all for your prayers and for walking this journey with us, words cannot explain what you mean to us.


  1. Enjoy your time with Cindy...sisters are special! Thanks for the postings...we keep you and yours in our prayers! I love you!

  2. Hope you're having a wonderful time and I'm so glad that you're special friends in
    Atlanta were such an encouragement to you... God is so good and it is such a blessing to watch His faithfulness in your life... You are such a testimony to His strength in the storm... See you when I get back!! Big hugs...

  3. Ps. 36:5
    "Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies."
    This is what I thought of when I heard of your lab results last week. It is a joy to see God surrounding you with His love and presence during this time.
