Monday, November 9, 2009

Praise and Prayer

Praise for today, I had my chemo treatment as scheduled! I do not take this lightly, with Madi being sick I shout praises for answered prayer as God has continued to protect me. I watched several people today being sent home because their blood levels were not ok to receive treatment. My prayer request is for sweet Madi. She is still sick. Every time I think she has turned the corner she either has a spike in her temperature or she vomits. She has not been running as high a fever today, but she threw up everything she ate all day at about 4:30. She feels like she will never be well again! (I confess to those same sentiments at times!) We have a college student living with us who was sent home from work sick today. Please pray for their healing and for continued protection of my health. As always, we are asking God to completely heal my body and destroy every cancer cell. Today I am thankful for my son, who has been so helpful throughout this journey. He hung out with Madi all day today, and he spent all day yesterday here so he could help me. It is not a coincidence that he chose UNCC for his education, and I am thankful for a sovereign God who cares about all of the details. I am thankful that there are only two races left, and that there have been no rain outs since all of this started. Thank you for your very specific prayers! This brings another prayer request. I have a PET (?) scan on November 23, the day after the last race; extra prayer for a safe and timely return for Mason. I am thankful for all of our wonderful children, who continue to amaze us as they trust in the Lord through this trial. Please continue your prayers for them, they are working and greatly appreciated. We continue to covet your prayers and encouragement. The beautiful picture the Lord has painted for all of us of the Body working together and of all that we have in Him has been a blessing beyond what we could ever think of or imagine. Isaiah 12:5 "Praise the Lord in song, for He has done excellent things; let this be known throughout the earth."


  1. So sorry that Madi is so sick... Praying that God brings healing for her and great protection for you... May His Spirit provide a barrier between you and any germs that might make you sick... May He supernaturally strengthen your immune system to fight off any infection.

    Praising Him that in the midst of this, He kept you strong and able to procede with your chemo!! Praying that the drugs will have laser like focus on the cancer cells...

    Missed seeing you the last couple of weeks... so good to be home and ready to catch up with you!! Sending hugs...

  2. Still praying for your sweet Madi. How "amazing" that your levels were still o.k. for treatment. May God protect the rest of your family and may He restore Madi.

  3. Vicki,
    We have been praying for Madi. I know Matthew has been checking in on her often and probably has pulled a few FSU jokes on her! I pray the chemo just absolutely blasts those cancer cells and that you can push on through this treatment and weeks after. You are so strong, Vicki! Praise God for your children, Mason, and your unwavering faith.


  4. We also are still praying for you and Madi and family. Hope you are continuing to. feel strong. Miss seeing you. Paul and I both have walking pneumonia so we will stay away for awhile. Love ya Lynn

  5. I am trusting Madi is better...wondering about you. We were in NC to see Ryan, Malinda and Brock this weekend...we brought the flu home with us. Yep it is definately running rampent in NC! I would have loved to stop and see you, but we were too sick. I will be down before too much longer! Love you and praying you are doing well!
