Friday, January 1, 2010

Praises, again!

I am writing this from Atlanta, which is a praise in itself! But first, the medical details. I had my ten day blood work on Wednesday and all was well. They are watching my white blood cells, my hemoglobin, and my platelets. The white blood cells and the platelets are normal, and the hemoglobin is 10.7, normal is 12. That is amazing for a woman who has had five of six chemo treatments! The nurse was very excited, but my praise does not end there. I have been in Atlanta since Wednesday afternoon. We have been working set-up for Passion 2010. I have not once felt like a cancer patient, or even weak or old. No one here knows I have cancer, there has never been a need for me to ask for rest or to bow out of anything. I have kept pace with Mason and Madi, and with all of the volunteers. I am overwhelmed, again, at God's protection and faithfulness. I read this week about Peter, when he was imprisoned by Herod. Acts 12:5 says "So Peter was kept in the prison, but prayer for him was being made fervenetly by the church to God." Peter was rescued from prison, and verse 10 says that "...they came to the iron gate that leads into the city, which opened for them by itself, ..." That is how I feel this experience has been. My iron gate has been this cancer, the chemo therapy, and my fear. I have been miraculously carried past many guards and through gates that have been opened many times in these last few months, and this week is another act of God's amazing grace. I read an article last night about the command in Galatians 6 to "bear one another's burdens". I am so happy to be here, contributing in my little ways, to this incredible ministry. It feels so good to be the one praying for another, serving another; it has been such a long road of needing and receiving prayer and support. Thanks to all of that support, I get to serve this week! I am thankful for so much, and this week I am especially thankful for the energy and strength that has allowed me to forget about cancer and serve in a little way in building God's Kingdom. Galatians 6:10 "So then, while we have opportuniy, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith."


  1. My heart is jumping for joy!! I'm so glad you're there serving and 'forgetting' for a time... God is good... amazing... miraculous... faithful... loving... I could just go on and on with praises for Him after reading your post!!

    Thank you for letting us be a part of your journey and for letting us rejoice with you, what an incredible blessing!

    Happy New Year!!

  2. Hi Vicki! Happy new year. I haven't seen you in so long, I feel so out of touch with the Stonebridge women! What a wonderful testimony of God's personal goodness, love and grace He has shown you at the conference. I am sure you needed that time away from the doctor offices and treatments. Again, thank you so much for reminding me of Who God is and what He looks like. You are a great encouragement to me by how you know Him and love Him.
