Friday, January 15, 2010

DONE!!! Well, sort of...

I have completed six of six chemo treatments! All of them were taken as scheduled, which is a huge praise! I want to give glory to God for all that He has done in these past few months. He has protected me and kept me strong through all of the chemotherapy, He even put a wall around me when Madi was so sick with the flu. He has been gracious to me and given me peace that I thought was impossible to have in this situation. He cleared the weather each week during the season so that Mason came home on time and never missed an appointment or a treatment. He has loved on our children in such a special way and given them peace and a faith through this that amazes me. The Vincent family has been so blessed by the Body of Christ, I cannot even describe how we have been touched. Our Lord has so directed the prayers of His people that there is no doubt of His love and mercy, and His sovereign power and goodness. Today I had an MRI. The radiologist just called, the same one who kept calling with bad news early in this journey. She said that "image-wise" there is no sign of any cancer in my breasts! She said that I should be celebrating this weekend, as my body has responded incredibly well to the chemotherapy and that all that I have gone through has been worth it! I am sitting here in amazement as I think of how God always meets me where I am. My last comment was confessing that I was looking for a doctor to assure me, but I do not and should not need that. Yet, my loving Father has let this doctor say what no one else would, the cancer is gone. My hope is in the Lord, I know this, and no words of man will tear me down or build me up. Still, I think it a sweet gift from Him to hear a doctor acknowledge His healing power. I still have a long way to go, there are more tests, more appointments, more decisions. But for today, I will rest in His grace and peace. Thank you for your prayers and please continue with us on this journey. Today, join us as we praise Him for our good news and trust Him with all of our tomorrows. Psalm 62:5 "My soul waits silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him."


  1. Hope you were able to get some rest this weekend. We missed you!! (But I'm so glad you sent the muffins...those blueberry ones were especially tasty!)

  2. I have tears in my eyes reading your post! God has been sooo faithful thus far in your journey. It has been such a testimony to us all of his power and grace. We will continue to lift you up! BIG HUGSSS!

  3. I just love reading this post!! Praising with you, but continuing to pray with you as make more decisions! God promises to direct our paths and He is ALWAYS faithful to His promises. I will pray that you hear a voice clearly saying, "THIS is the way, walk in it!"

  4. Good news just in time for the birthday girl!! Hope you had a great day! Love you!
