Thursday, December 10, 2009


I had my ten day blood labs today and all was great! I must confess that I am a little weary. My labs were very good, but my body is showing signs of the struggle of this horrible disease and the treatment that is used to defeat it. She told me to expect the next two treatments to "get my attention". She said that the effects will not be any more severe or harsh, just lingering a little longer. I have found that 10 days after my last treatment, I am still a little tired and that nasty taste is still with me. I confess to feeling a little weary, it is frustrating to just feel worn out. I really can't complain, I am getting my walk in every day, and I am not idle. I am very thankful for the protection God has put on me. I am so very thankful that I have not been sick, that my treatments are on track, and that the cancer is being defeated. I have a while to go, I know this is a marathon. I ask for prayer for my strength and perseverence. Please pray for Mason to remain strong and patient with me, I must confess that my weariness has produced a little moodiness and perhaps a mini melt-down or two! Please continue to pray for Jillian, Mason Thomas, Alex, and Madi. Pray that they will continue to trust in the Lord, to feel His comfort and love, and that they will be patient as I bow out of things every now and then. Thank you all for your prayers for each of us, and join us as we praise our faithful Father for His amazing grace and healing power. His hand of mercy is felt by each of us and we are thankful in our praise to Him.
Mason and I signed up to volunteer at Passion 2010 back in the spring. The event is January 2 - 5, we believe we have to be there on December 31. If you don't know what this is, it is a college ministry event that is powerfully impactful. Mason and I have such a heart for this age group and for this particular ministry, I really want to be able to fulfill my commitment. This is going to be a powerful time with the Lord, and I want desperately to be a part of it. Please pray that God will protect me and strengthen me so that I will be able to be there.
I have my next treatment on December 21 as long as my labs are good. Please pray that I will be able to take that treatment on time and that my body will remain strong through it. As always, please pray with believing, that the Lord will defeat every cancer cell and that He will be glorified through this journey. We have so many conversations with so many different people everytime we are at the office for the various visits. I want to reflect the love and grace that has so mercifully been poured on me in every word and every deed. Pray that Mason and I will be obedient to what ever the Lord is leading us to. Pray for Dr. Limentani to be wise and attentive as he cares for me. He is at a breast cancer convention this week, please pray that a cure for this evil disease will be found.
I leave you with a passage that my son reminded me of last night. Isaiah 40:31 "Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."


  1. Still praying! Continue to hold steadfast...we are with you! Hugs!

  2. Hi Vicki,

    I'm so thankful that your labs were great thankful for the constant reminders that God has you in the palm of His nail scarred hand! I woke up early this morning with you on my heart and mind... Keep your eyes on Him... just one step at a time...that's all it takes!! Praying for an extra measure of strength to endure!

    Love ya!!

  3. Hey Vicki, thinking and praying for you today. Hope the Chemo went well yesterday. Yes keep your eyes upward on Him and continue to wait on Him to renew your strength. Miss ya and Love ya!
