Monday, June 30, 2014

Good to Know

I have completed eight of twelve treatments and am so thankful to be doing well and right on schedule! As I persevere and continue to trust my Lord through this journey, I thought of some things I have learned and would like to share..... They are things I have learned through a trial or storm of cancer. I believe, however, that there are applicable lessons that are good to know, no matter what your particular trial may be. I hope you gain some comfort or insight.....

Chemo messes with my lymphodema, therefore I am doing physical therapy as well as daily exercises at home to combat it. I am praying that it will settle down after I complete my treatments. Sometimes I feel like I'm falling apart, it's good to know that it's all part of chemo! I call breast cancer the gift that keeps on giving.... Therefore, I must keep on fighting, in whatever ways I can.  Good to know!

Exercise actually makes you feel better! I know that rest is important, but exercise really does make me feel better. I have days that I am just tired and don't feel like doing anything. When I push through, go for a walk or a hike, I always feel better. Some days the walk is short, but it is better than sitting home not feeling good. I'm pretty sure the praise music in my ears combined with being in the middle of God's beautiful creation helps a ton!!! Good to know!

The cancer patient (me), needs to communicate clearly with the main caregiver (Mason). I need to tell Mason what I need from him, not expect him to guess. Mason thinks I am strong, his respect for me is how he shows his love. Sometimes I just need a hug! I have to tell him, he's not great at intuition or mind reading! He is, however, very responsive to my communicated needs.... Good to know!

The caregiver needs to listen, with eyes and ears! Sometimes said cancer patient is just so caught up in the emotional and physical stresses that she simply doesn't know what she wants or needs. Patience and perseverance will generally bring comfort and resolution! Fatigue can make me crazy, as can hunger. The two combined.....BOOM!!!! Mason is learning to pay more attention and guide me when I've  hit a wall and don't know what I want or need. Good to know!

Cancer can bring many blessings. Our marriage is stronger, our faith is deeper, and our compassion is greater because of this cancer journey. We are thankful for every day, knowing what a blessing it is to grow old together. We have had to be there for each other, good news and bad. We pray together and for each other.  We understand the hurt and devastation that cancer diagnosis can cause. We also understand the hope that we have because of Jesus! We have had so many opportunities to share that hope, with scared and hurting people, as well as hospital and doctor staffs.  I don't know what God will do, or has done, with any of that. But we share our hope as we trust Him with the rest. How can we not share all that God has so graciously and powerfully been to us?!! Good to know....

Cancer will bring cool people in and out of your life. It just does. We have met some of the nicest people in the infusion rooms and in the many waiting rooms we have have spent too much time in over the past five years! Funny conversations. Inspiring stories. Tragic, hurting people who have never known that I have quietly prayed for them. Maybe one day I will see them in heaven.... God will do great and glorious things and that is good to know!

Prayer matters. To the prayer and to the prayed for. I have been on both ends and I'm not sure which has been more powerful to me. Prayer brings change. Read your Bible! I don't understand the how's, I just know God tells us to, and He responds. It's amazing...  I have been changed, comforted, challenged and healed as I prayed for someone; and I have been changed, comforted, challenged, and healed, as others have prayed for me. Pray....Good to know!

Give. Of yourself. You can and should. Even in the middle of a trial, you have something to give. You can write a note, give a word of comfort or encouragement. You can pray. You can share your story of how God is carrying you right now. You can tell of the hope you have. Trust me, you will feel better and so very blessed if you just tell God's story! That's our purpose, and that is good to know!

Laugh. Really. This week there were three women waiting to see the doctor and then going down for chemo. We are all tired of chemo, our husbands have their own issues. But we had the best time. We laughed. Over nothing. Just laughed. Laughter is a vital part of the Vincent family, always  Kind of healing! And good to know!

Don't watch hallmark movies where the mom dies of cancer when in the middle of this battle. Bad idea. It can set off a panic/anxiety attack. Not that I would be so stupid, but, you know, it could happen to some foolish person....  Laughter, way better. It's just good to know!

People who have cancer on tv usually die. Not reality. Good to know. 

God still does miracles! Everyday and in many ways. Open your eyes and heart, don't miss them! Very good to know!

Turn to God. Speak your complaints, struggles, and fears out loud. He is a big God, He can take it. I find, however, when I say my complaints out loud, when I physically hear them, I'm usually humbled at the sound of them. Really? I'm going to complain to my perfect Savior, who died a horrible death on a cross? For me. Willingly, without complaint. So I could have a hope. So I have assurance.  So I don't have to fear any storm. He is my rescue and strength. My complaints disappear as I find myself longing for Him. 

Isaiah 30:18 (NASB) 
Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; How blessed are all those who long for Him. 


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