Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cancer Survivor

This past Friday was "National Cancer Survivor Day". On the last day of my radiation Mason called me as I was leaving the parking garage and congratulated me on no longer being a cancer patient. My new title, he said, is "cancer survivor". I hit the road running after radiation. I have been crazy busy and very happy to have the normal chaos of being Mason's wife and the mother of four mostly adult children! Mason Thomas is heading to Ohio tomorrow. He is grabbing Alex and heading to Cedar Pointe for some roller coaster thrills, then bringing her home for the summer. We got the stage 4 diagnosis only three days before she was leaving for Ohio State to begin her freshman year. That seems like such a long time ago and I am indescribably thankful that there is much joy and laughter associated with her return for summer break. Everyone is settled and relaxed, the tension and concern for Mom is subsided, and we are resting. I take a pill daily and an infusion every four weeks to address the effects of cancer on my bones. I am feeling well, normal really. Trusting God as I continue to not know what tomorrow brings but abide in Him day to day. If I sound like I have it together, believe me, I do not. I wrestle with crazy thoughts, sometimes day to day, sometimes minute to minute, sometimes less. I do, however, have a Savior who loves me and holds me tight; and ALWAYS brings me back. He has placed me among so many amazing people who have loved me so very much. I am thankful for Mason, Jillian, Mason Thomas, Alex, and Madi; for my girlfriends!; for StoneBridge, and for the prayers and love of so many people in so many places. I have a scan in late July and then I will see the oncologist for the results. Until then, we are asking and trusting for complete healing. Please continue to pray for us, for peace and for healing. Sunday night the Pastor spoke on anxiety. I had been looking for a verse to share with this post, and God gave it to me then. (Thanks Kevin!) Philippians 4:4 - 7 "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and you minds in Christ Jesus."

1 comment:

  1. You are beautiful, inside and out!
    May God grant you daily, peace, strength, and joy in the journey!
