Monday, April 5, 2010


We are doing well, settling in to a new normal. I have completed nine radiation treatments, it is really two weeks and today started my third. I am feeling great, probably the best I have felt in a long time, certainly since before the cancer diagnosis. I have hair growing back, not ready to lose the wig yet, but it is definitely more than stubs. I shaved my legs on Thursday for the first time since September! Not because I have gotten lazy or suddenly French, but because there has been nothing there to shave since the first chemo treatment! I was very excited, but I cut my leg so I guess I am a little rusty. My enthusiasm was a little crushed today when I realized that I really need to shave again! Thankful for normal! On the subject of returning hair, I plucked my eyebrows and put on mascara for Thursday night! I have not had eyebrows or eyelashes for a few months. My eyelashes are short, but they are there! Thankful for normal. I ironed on Thursday! I know, I'm strange. I am probably the last American standing who still irons, but I do and I like that Mason has nicely ironed clothes to choose from hanging in his closet. I haven't had the energy to do this chore and Mason irons as he needs. It was a great victory for me to do laundry last week and return the 'ironing' basket empty to it's proper place...sad but thrilling! Thankful for normal! It has been a special gift from God that there has been so much victory in the little things during this special time for Christ followers called Holy Week. As I have wrestled so much with God over these last few months, struggling to completely surrender as I completely trust in Him, this week has been a sweet reminder of all that I have in Him and how amazing His love is for me. I serve a risen Savior who has defeated even death and has so much more for us than the here and now of this world. Today I am thankful for His amazing grace. John 11:25 "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.' "

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vicky- It is your long lost cousin Monica :0) Aunt Dixie told me you have this blog, so I thought I would check it out. I will keep you in my prayers. XOXO
